Lost Elvis at Sea

Lost Elvis at Sea

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Fly Guys - Panama City

Randy and Matt flew the Embraer 190 simulator at COPA in Panama City yesterday. Apparently Matt is a natural. Today they are both going to get checked out on a small plane so we can rent a plane next week when Thea is in Panama. We will fly to Porvenir and visit our friend Nestor and the chief and his family at Chichime.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Road Trip

Randy, Paul and Matt took a road trip to Punta Azueros in Matt's new Toyota FJ. Thea is in Vancouver working. Randy also updated his look!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Lost Elvis - Fish Out of Water

Poor old Lost Elvis had to come out of her swimming pool to get dried off and spruced up.

Her she is at Shelter Bay in Panama on the travelift and on her new "legs". She is going to get new bottom pain, a new cutlass bearing, a tuned up propellor and some other odds and ends.

Randy and Paul are staying with our dear friend Matt Hocker in Panama City while the boat is getting some work done. When they are not running around the boat yard or over to the prop shop, I hear they are enjoying the occasional steak at the restaurant "Market" and Paul is still looking for the best "Spanish dictionary with long hair" so he can improve his language skills.

Thea is in Vancouver trying to make some money to "fund the project" and hopes to fly down to Panama City in the next week or so.

Lost Elvis and crew (Thea and Randy) will then pass back through the canal (North to South or if that's too confusing; Caribbean to Pacific). We will leave Lost Elvis somewhere along the Pacific Coast for several weeks so Randy can visit Vancouver when it isn't pouring rain. Depending on the weather, we will inch back up the coast and perhaps leave the boat in El Salvador for two or three weeks. Perhaps Mac and Alan (Effie) can boat sit.

Recently it has been 80 to 90 degrees in Vancouver with little humidity. We hope it lasts for Randy's visit.
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Monday, July 6, 2009

San Blas Surf Trip

Randy, John and Mark off to search for reef surf at "Swimming Pools". No, I did not add colour to this photo. That's the real colour of the water. You can see the anchor resting on the ocean floor.
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Kuna Men

These Kunas, in their traditional "kayooka", are selling lobster at Chichime. Five dollars per lobster is considered outrageous. We try to get them for 3 to 4 dollars each.
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More Kunas at Chichime

More Kunas on their way to Lost Elvis. Usually they paddle in dugouts and try to sell lobster, crab, fish or molas. They also come to chit chat and eventually ask for a handout of Coca Cola, cookies and candy, or if we can charge their cell phones. We don't give them anything without coconuts or something in exchange.
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Kuna Lady

Here's a little Kuna woman in the San Blas Islands waiting for her ride. Randy is back in Portobelo and Thea is Vancouver working for a bit. Our lates plans are to return through the Panama Canal and head for El Salvador so Randy and Thea can both be closer to family, friends and work.
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Vancouver Again

Thea is back in Vancouver again. Here she is with her mom's dog "Tundra". Yes, he probably weighs more than Thea.
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