If you can believe it, we are still in Golfito. On Randy's last break we got skunked by bad weather yet again. We have resigned ourselves to the fact that SV Lost Elvis will remain here in Golfito for the rainy season. They call it "winter" and the dry season (December through April) is "summer".
Another unbelievable fact is that David, the Columbian is still in Costa Rica. Immigration (the girl with the purple hair) allowed him to stay in Costa Rica for 30 days without a visa (Columbian's need a visa) as long as he stayed on the boat and in the marina.
Thirty days were up on May 27. Two weeks have gone by with lame excuses every day. The assistant manager at Fishhook Marina tried the worst excuse ever. She said that because the Columbian worked on a boat in Panama that had some drug connection, that INTERPOL, yes Interpol was investigating, the Columbian, Randy, me and Lost Elvis!!!! Randy immediately contacted the Chief Commanding Officer in Afghanistan who confirmed with Interpol that NO SUCH INVESTIGATION happened or is ongoing or is going to happen. So a complete lie was offered by this woman at Fishhook to cover up her ineptitude and the bumbling immigration officer. This delay is costing us lots of money as we have been providing food and accomodation to the Columbian. Today I advised management at Fishhook that if the Columbian is not deported today, I will take matters into my own hands. My legal connections in Vancouver will get me the best immigration lawyer in Costa Rica.
I will start with this. She will insist on handling your immigration, customs and check in. Do it yourself. She has consistently botched everything she has handled for us. She even pissed off immigration which caused a week's delay in the deportation of David. I had only a 30 day visa for Costa Rica because we landed here without a Zarpe due to emergency. She told me that she would get me an extension on my visa (normally it's 90 days). I mistakenly assumed she had handled it. Mikael, the General Manager, showed up at my boat on the day my visa expired and told me I had to go to the border immediately to get my Costa Rica exit stamp. Mikael is excellent. He knows the procedures inside and out and will not make excuses or try to blame you, the customer, for delays or problems (which the assistant manager frequently does). Ask for their fees for ANYTHING, up front. If you need any advice or services at Fishhook ask Mikael. Do not ask anyone else. Mikael is professional and knowledgeable.
The assistant manager also told me that I had to move Lost Elvis to another slip while Randy was away working. I told her I was not touching a thing; not even the ignition. I explained that Lost Elvis weighs 74,000 pounds and has a full keel and no bow thrusters and that I certainly hoped the marina had enough insurance to cover any damage caused by them moving our boat. She soon abandoned that hair brained plan.
Franklin at Fishhook will clean your hull and propellor. Make sure he does it after hours otherwise the marina takes a cut. He will also mind your boat if you take off on a tour inland or to Zancudo. He is trustworthy and reliable and knows a heck of a lot about boats.