Lost Elvis at Sea

Lost Elvis at Sea

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Random Notes on a Rainy Day in Waikiki

Sunday at Spouting Waters

swishing black rubber on shiny pavement

plastic coated tourists scurrying hopping puddles

disappointment absent warming rays and electric blue waters

cool damp boredom

children rejoice in the pool under droplets and downpour

moist coco palms vivid but motionless

sloshing squeaky truck rumbles low

drizzle laden slick streets abate bikers’ roaring thunder.  Quiet.

mainlanders hoping and wishing for warmth on golden sand seek shelter

dull grey clouds tease with patches of white still they steal the sun

old yellow cat sleeps lightly wisely knowingly

good idea! doze the dreary day.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Back to the Barn

Lost Elvis wants to stay in Mexico and Central America and that's that.  With heartfelt thanks to Stephen and Pauline Theodore on Rumdoodle, Lost Elvis is limping back to Paradise Village with a failed starter.  Captain Steve-O and his "Little Buddy" Rich Roberts, are sailing (yes I mean sailing, with the wind and those big white canvas things).  Randy, Scott (Ululena), Rich and Steve wrenched on the engine, overhauled the starter and still no diesel power due to the faulty starter.  Big thanks to Scotty too!  Randy was running out of time and we would have to put old Elvis back on the hard again at Marina del Palmar in La Paz (reasonable rates by the way). One morning Steve decides, Hello! why not sail her to PV?  That's what she's designed for.  Randy has to go to work so Steve and Rich are sailing her back home to Paradise Village where she will get the love and care that she is used to.  Eventually we will relocate.  She won't come to us so we'll have to go to her.  Mexico me encanta anyway so it's all for the best.