Lost Elvis at Sea

Lost Elvis at Sea

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Shelter Bay

Here we are back in Shelter Bay Panama. We've been walking from the marina up the road through the remains of Fort Sherman and through the jungle toward San Lorenzo. Christmas dinner was hosted by Tom and his family who run the restaurant at Shelter Bay. Although the restaurant was closed, he provided ham, rice and beans and potato salad for about 25 "cruisers". The rest was pot-luck style. Lost Elvis brought cocktail sausages and mustard for dipping, Consort made a lovely tossed salad and others brough yams, coleslaw, bread, corn and carrots. Tom's children helped serve food and drinks.

Since Randy had only 5 days off from ground school at Southern Air, we spent most of our time by the pool, checking our systems and visiting with other boaters. Fortunately, all systems were "go" thanks to our dear friend Gary Last (Pursuit IV) who looked after Lost Elvis while we were gone. The outboard on the dinghy needs servicing but that's minor compared to what could have happened during our long absence.
We met the crew of Lynx (privateer.org) who joined us by the pool for a few cold Balboas and returned the favour with some fine Panamanian cigars.
I'll be back in late January to provision (Panama Supply will do it for you if you don't want to shlep groceries all day) and wait for Randy and Greg Cox to join us for the next leg of our trip toward Florida.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Southern Air

Randy has a new job. Well, actually it's old; he used to work for Southern Air about six years ago. Randy is in Miami until the end of January training. I will join him in mid-January then we will move Lost Elvis through the Caribbean with the long term plan to bring it to Key West which is closer to work for Randy. Lost Elvis is still in Shelter Bay, Panama (near Fort Sherman). Randy has four days off at Christmas which he'll use to visit the boat, start her up and check all the systems.
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Monday, October 19, 2009

Dockwise in Deep Cove Again

Dockwise is back in North Vancouver (Deep Cove) to move more "Fast Ferries" to the Middle East.
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If we ever get a boat dog it will be a Schipperke! How cute is that and they are a working breed that loves boats! Perfect.
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Saturday, September 5, 2009

Still All About Boats, Vancouver

Last week we sailed with our friends Greg and Alex tacking across English Bay in Vancouver. It wasn't quite the San Blas Islands but it was still beautiful to be out sailing again. We started at Granville Island, went out to the tip of Stanley Park and sailed right under the Burrard Street Bridge. Greg performed a "touch and go" so Randy and I could jump off at Quayside Marina; basically our front door. Thanks Greg for a fabulous afternoon. It makes us miss Lost Elvis even more.
Dockwise turned up in North Vancouver (Deep Cove) to move the "fast ferries" over to the middle east. It was really odd to see them up here in this quiet, quaint little corner.

Although it was "summer" in Vancouver, it was a chilly ride up to Deep Cove.
Thea and Cortez trying to keep eachother warm. With Cortez just in from Mexico and Thea from Panama, the two of us shivered together.

Thanks Bob Henderson for taking us up the "Cove" at top speed to watch dockwise. After Deep Cove we stopped at Coal Harbour where there are public docks by the float planes. We tied up there and had lunch at The Mill (doggy friendly) and then returned to the Royal Vancouver Yacht Club at Jericho.
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Friday, August 14, 2009

Lost Elvis Splashes at Shelter Bay

On Saturday, August 8, 2009, Lost Elvis returns to the water, with new anti-fouling pain (Sigma - Diego; Panama-Albrook), new propellor and new shaft (Cristobal Marine - Brian; Panama-Albrook and Colon) and new dripless seal (Alex Kao, Stem to Stern - Vancouver), new bearings etc. All installed by Victor and overseen by Dave at Shelter Bay Marina in Panama. The total cost including labour and haulout was about $5200 USD. Lost Elvis now does 9 knots (nudos for you Spanish speakers) at 1600 rpm and about 5.5 knots at idle. We can't wait to see what the fuel efficiency is now that the propellor is not all chewed up and the shaft isn't cavitating.

Randy is in Vancouver with Thea for about a month when he will return to Panama to check on Lost Elvis. Gary and Tara (Pursuit IV) are looking in on Lost Elvis during our absence.

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Saturday, July 25, 2009

Fly Guys - Panama City

Randy and Matt flew the Embraer 190 simulator at COPA in Panama City yesterday. Apparently Matt is a natural. Today they are both going to get checked out on a small plane so we can rent a plane next week when Thea is in Panama. We will fly to Porvenir and visit our friend Nestor and the chief and his family at Chichime.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Road Trip

Randy, Paul and Matt took a road trip to Punta Azueros in Matt's new Toyota FJ. Thea is in Vancouver working. Randy also updated his look!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Lost Elvis - Fish Out of Water

Poor old Lost Elvis had to come out of her swimming pool to get dried off and spruced up.

Her she is at Shelter Bay in Panama on the travelift and on her new "legs". She is going to get new bottom pain, a new cutlass bearing, a tuned up propellor and some other odds and ends.

Randy and Paul are staying with our dear friend Matt Hocker in Panama City while the boat is getting some work done. When they are not running around the boat yard or over to the prop shop, I hear they are enjoying the occasional steak at the restaurant "Market" and Paul is still looking for the best "Spanish dictionary with long hair" so he can improve his language skills.

Thea is in Vancouver trying to make some money to "fund the project" and hopes to fly down to Panama City in the next week or so.

Lost Elvis and crew (Thea and Randy) will then pass back through the canal (North to South or if that's too confusing; Caribbean to Pacific). We will leave Lost Elvis somewhere along the Pacific Coast for several weeks so Randy can visit Vancouver when it isn't pouring rain. Depending on the weather, we will inch back up the coast and perhaps leave the boat in El Salvador for two or three weeks. Perhaps Mac and Alan (Effie) can boat sit.

Recently it has been 80 to 90 degrees in Vancouver with little humidity. We hope it lasts for Randy's visit.
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Monday, July 6, 2009

San Blas Surf Trip

Randy, John and Mark off to search for reef surf at "Swimming Pools". No, I did not add colour to this photo. That's the real colour of the water. You can see the anchor resting on the ocean floor.
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Kuna Men

These Kunas, in their traditional "kayooka", are selling lobster at Chichime. Five dollars per lobster is considered outrageous. We try to get them for 3 to 4 dollars each.
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More Kunas at Chichime

More Kunas on their way to Lost Elvis. Usually they paddle in dugouts and try to sell lobster, crab, fish or molas. They also come to chit chat and eventually ask for a handout of Coca Cola, cookies and candy, or if we can charge their cell phones. We don't give them anything without coconuts or something in exchange.
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Kuna Lady

Here's a little Kuna woman in the San Blas Islands waiting for her ride. Randy is back in Portobelo and Thea is Vancouver working for a bit. Our lates plans are to return through the Panama Canal and head for El Salvador so Randy and Thea can both be closer to family, friends and work.
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Vancouver Again

Thea is back in Vancouver again. Here she is with her mom's dog "Tundra". Yes, he probably weighs more than Thea.
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Sunday, June 14, 2009

San Blas to Cartagena

We just arrived in Cartagena from the San Blas. The transit was, of course, brutal. Initially we had moderate winds and acceptable seas. After a nice barbeque, our idyllic transit grew dark. The entire night and most of the early morning found us surrounded by storms. It's no suprise though, summer down here envolves many squalls and storms.
We spent many days with Captain Jack, Dennis and Annarys (of Fantasy) and value their friendship, support and advise.
Cartagena has a European feel to it interspersed with history of pirates and buccaneers. I (Thea) had to leave for Vancouver so have not may photos yet to share.
The bugs this time of year anywhere in thie region are intense; mosquito coils and 100% deet are highly recommended.

The Kunas are facinating, tiny, highly social, trustworthy,friendly and kind. They also sell lobsters for $5 a piece (less if in bulk). They love to chat alongside your boat for 1/2 hour or so before they finally get down to business.... if at all. I think they just like to hang out!
More to come when I have time.

Monday, June 1, 2009

San Blas Islands, Panama

We haven't had internet for over two weeks and I have limited availability here in Portobelo.
We transited the canal on May 9 and spent the last three weeks in the San Blas Islands. We returned here to Portobelo to buy provisions because there is absolutely nothing in San Blas other than fish, lobsters and coconuts.

Here are a couple of photos. You can also find Thea on Facebook for more photos.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Panama City Here We Come

I'm not really a tree hugger! This photo is from a hike in Deep Cove, North Vancouver

Thea left Golfito two weeks ago to work and file income taxes and enjoy the beauty of Spring in Vancouver. Flying from Golfito is easy. SANSA airlines flies a little commuter Caravan to San Jose three times a day for about $US95 one way. It's nonrefundable but they'll give you a credit if you need to cancel. There are lots of hotels. I recommend the Holiday Inn Express or El Jardin.
While Thea was in Vancouver her brother got engaged with his high school sweetheart at his old high school!
Randy decided to leave Golfito (too expensive, too rainy and a sombre vibe about the place turned him off). He buddy boated down with Pursuit IV. Just before Punta Mala they got knocked down by 50 knot plus winds. All three sails were damaged. Thank goodness Panama City has plenty of marine services and supplies. Randy, Lost Elvis and Pursuit IV arrive at the Balboa Yacht Club April 23, 2009 at noon local time and Thea flies in on Mexicana at about 5:30 pm. They ran into Equinox today who will also join Lost Elvis in Panama.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

More Golfito Costa Rica

For more informaion on Golfito, visit http://www.golfito-costarica.com/golfito/

This is one of two "super markets". Neither has good produce; you have to go the vegetable stores for that or catch the fruit and vegetable truck that comes by Land Sea on Thursdays and Saturdays.

Costa Rica is expensive by Central American standards and for no good reason. To find an affordable meal go to any "SODA". It's like a cafe/diner; in Mexico a "comedor". You can get a hearty chicken, fish or beef supper/lunch with rice, beans and vegetables for about $4. That's probably about 2,100 Colones.
Bula, the boat cat, at Land Sea, inspects all boats that are at the dock. She may even pop through a hatch and land on your stomach when you are sleeping. Ted and Katie of Lan Sea saved her from a dreadful one way trip to the Galapagos; a trip she would not see the end of.