Lost Elvis at Sea

Lost Elvis at Sea

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Barra Laundry Run

Randy is off to El Jardin Lavanderia. It's the best one in Barra! We had a big load this time because the pelicans, frigates, and boobies roost on our mast and rigging and their guano sometimes splashes into the forward cabins and onto the bedding.

1 comment:

  1. Well, well, well, my friends its sounds as if all is going well and knowing Randy loves this part of the travels is a good thing. Randy when doing the laundry do you use Tide and then Downy for that fresh scent of clean?

    Glad the travels are as going as planned. I know Julie wants to see you both late Jan. or early Feb.
    Maybe I could fly her to where your at during that time. for a few days if possible please let me know.

    I do hope one day soon we all meet up again, that would be nice!!!

    Take care,

