Lost Elvis at Sea

Lost Elvis at Sea

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Xtapa - Zihuatanejo

After 30 hours at sea we made the voyage from Barra de Navidad to the marina in Xtapa. It's a little pricey but they have fresh water, power, showers, Internet and restaurants. It reminds me of a mini version of the marina in downtown Puerto Vallarta.

The first 16 hours were nasty. We were bucking 10 ft seas and a 20 knot wind. At times we barely made 3 knots per hour even with the engine on. Things we thought were stowed well in the interior were flying abou the cabin. Nothing was damaged, thank goodnes. By midnight the winds changed to North East and the seas were calm. The boat was "rocketing" at over 8 knots consistently after that. We left Barra a 8 am on Monday and arrived here in Zihua at about 1:30 pm.

We are all tired but our captain is a "busy boy" as we all know. He has many projects on the go before we have lunch. It's already 3:20 pm and we haven't eaten since 8:30 am.

The marina is nice but as any marina, it's hot because it's sheltered. The temperature inside the boat is 90 degrees F with about 60 per cent humidity. Unbearable hardly describes it.

Well, it looks like it's almost time for lunch. The captain just cracked a beer.

Until the next report.

1 comment:

  1. The trip down to Xtapa sounds like the opposite of fun! I now know why I fly to the boat once it's at port.
